Mulch Installation

Mulch Installation

Mulches are materials used as a protective cover over the soil to retain its moisture and thus improve growing conditions for plants in your landscape. Most of the time, landscapers and professional arborists use shrubs, trees, and flowering plants native to Indiana in landscape design and installation. But not all soils in Indiana can perfectly grow these plants. That’s why most landscapers install mulches to ensure the soil's nutrients and moisture are well maintained. As an added bonus, mulches are also a good way of preventing soil erosion, protecting your garden for years to come.

Dean’s Pools and Landscaping offers comprehensive mulch installation services to ensure your landscape design is well-prepared for a variety of plants!


front yard mulch


When it comes to landscape design and installation in Indiana, mulch installation is often one of the first few steps to take during the process. Mulches are used to prevent weeds, protect and retain moisture, and improve the appearance of the landscape. It may also be used to prevent dirt and mud, which is why mulches are a popular choice for patios and pathways as well. When our expert local landscapes are completing your mulch installation, they typically layer the mulch two to four inches and spread it on the areas that need to be covered. All mulches are different, but some mulches need to be replaced yearly to maintain their primary functions.

At Dean’s Pools and Landscape, we can provide a variety of types of mulch used by professional landscapers. But before we complete the mulch installation, we recommend a site inspection to determine the landscape's actual need for mulches. Some of the common mulch that can be applied to your landscape are given below.

  1. Cocoa Bean Shells – Shells of cocoa beans are also used as mulches. It is good for the prevention of termite and slug infestations as well. However, it is not advisable to use cocoa shells if homeowners have pets, as dogs get sick when they eat cocoa bean shells.
  2. Wood – One of the most popular mulches professional landscapers use is wood. Some of the variants may include shredded hardwood, pine needles or bark, cypress, and cedar. Your local landscape professional is your best bet to determine what type of wood mulches to use with your landscape design plans.
  3. Rubber and Stone – Recycled rubber, often used in playgrounds, can also be used as mulch. Recycled rubber is long-lasting and is appropriate for playground use, pathways, or patios. However, there are cases where rubber and stone mulch substitutes can also be used for landscaping beds. The only disadvantage of rubber and stone mulch is that removing it for replacement takes time.
  4. Free Mulch – The types of mulches mentioned earlier are almost always bought in quantities that depend on the weight and the size of the area where you intend to put them. However, we also have grass cuttings, leaf mold, and compost that can be used as mulches for those looking for an alternative. They are especially beneficial during winter and summer seasons as they provide extra protection from extreme temperatures.


Organic or inorganic, installing mulch is a great way of protecting and providing the extra moisture and nutrients your soil may need. However, you should leave the mulch installation to the professional local landscapers at Dean’s Pools and Landscaping. We know best what type of mulches to include in your landscape design and installation and the best amount to use.

Dean's Pools and Landscaping are the top professional mulch installers in Indiana! We offer a variety of services and advice on landscaping design and will advise you every step of the way — from guiding you on the best areas to install mulch to handling the installation process ourselves. Our team of local landscapers has the tools and expertise needed for your mulch installation, whether it be at your home or business in Indiana. With more than 20 years of experience as the leading landscaping company in Indiana, our team can handle all of your mulch installation needs! Get in touch with us today to learn more about our mulch installation!

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