Your Guide to a Beautiful Garden

As a homeowner in Indiana, you may be wondering how to approach creating your beautiful outdoor garden. After all, you want your outdoor space to look its best! There are a few things to consider when planning a landscaping project in Indiana, and we’re breaking them down in today’s blog. At Dean's Pools & Landscaping, our mission is to ensure that everything comes together perfectly. Learn more below, then get a quote for your landscaping project today.

beautiful backyard landscaping

Consider Climate

Indiana has a humid continental climate, which means it experiences hot summers, cold winters, and rain in the spring and fall. This means that it's best to undertake landscaping projects when the weather is mild, such as in the late spring or early fall. This will give your plants time to adjust to their new environment before the harsh winter arrives.

landscaping and hardscaping

Soil Conditions

Indiana is known for its fertile soil, which makes it ideal for growing a variety of plants. However, the soil can be prone to compaction and drainage issues in the summer months. To ensure that your landscaping project is successful, it's best to landscape when the soil is moist and not too compacted or plan to aerate beforehand. This can be done in the spring or fall when the soil is more conducive to planting.

large yard with trees and shrubs

Plant Selection

Indiana has a wide variety of plants that can thrive in our local climate. When selecting plants for your landscaping project, it's important to take into account the amount of sunlight and water they will need, as well as the temperature range they can handle. This will help ensure that your plants flourish.

backyard garden with flowers

Working With a Local Landscaping Company

When you work with the team at Dean's Pools & Landscaping, you can trust that you’re choosing experienced landscapers who always put your needs first. We put more than three decades of expertise in landscape design and installation to work for each project, and no matter your needs, we’ll ensure that things are done the right way, so you can enjoy your outdoor space for many years to come.

By taking all of these factors into consideration, you can ensure that your landscaping project is successful and you end up with a beautiful garden you’ll enjoy for years to come. Ready to get your landscaping project started? Get a quote from the team at Dean's Pools & Landscaping today!

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